Well, so what have I been doing since the past year & a half since I blogged you ask... well A LOT! But I won't bore you with a long recap of the past 18mos... I may however do a picture post next week to catch y'all up when I have more time...
I will say, I have some SUPER fun events coming up the next few months... as well as a scary/exciting new venture...
I am embarking on a NEW chapter in my life and it slightly terrifies me... Partly because it involves being 30!!! ;-) ... And partly because the things I want to accomplish will take me completely out of my comfort zone & force me to do things that scare me! But the past few weeks I have had this saying ringing in my ear...
"What would you do, if you knew you couldn't fail?"
Well, honestly, I can name a TON of things! And just thinking about the things I want to do in my life that I have NOT done because of fear brings tears to my eyes!... Maybe its because I'm turning 30... Maybe its because I want my daughter & husband to be as proud of me as I am of them... Maybe its because I don't care what anyone thinks... Maybe its because I have THE MOST amazing friends & family that lift me up & make me believe I can do all the things I dream about... and if I fail, they will be there to pick me up off the floor... whatever it is, I need to stop making excuses and JUST DO IT!
I will definitely keep you all post as my life starts to unfold!...
Until then my sweet bloggy friends, I leave you with this question... What would YOU do if YOU knew YOU COULD NOT FAIL?...
Sometimes, we all get so wrapped up in "life" that we forget to listen to that inner voice inside ourselves that is trying to lead us down the path to our dreams... Well, take a breath, quite all that other "noise" and listen to that voice because it just may lead you to your happy ending!...
"Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything." -Dave Matthews
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Can't wait to hear about your new adventures!