On Thanksgiving night, I had gone through all the Black Friday sales ads & determined Target was going to be my early morning destination when the doors opened at 5:00am. They had the Bissell steam mop I wanted marked down from $100 to only $50!! It was one of their early morning doorbuster deals!... I was so pumped!
On Friday morning, I happily woke up at 4:00am threw on my clothes & contacts, brushed my teeth & headed out the door coffee in hand. Since the Hubs & I were out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving, I didn't know my way around but my trusty iPhone's turn-by-turn directions were a breeze to follow so I found my destination without any problems! :) The whole way there, I was so excited! I was listening to Xmas music, drinking my coffee & eating the pumpkin spice muffins I baked the day before we left. I was in a great mood for it to be so darn early! It took everything I had not to speed because I couldn't wait to get my shopping started! I was SO excited!!
I got to Target 30min before they opened at 5:00am and the line when I got there was literally a football field long! But I merrily walked to the back of the line & stood in the freezing cold & waited patiently for the doors to open... :)
When 5:00am hit, the line moved fairly quickly & I was in the store with cart in hand by 5:05am.
Since it was an unfamiliar Target, I didn't quite know the layout so I had to ask for help... I got to the right aisle where the steam mops are and this is what I see...

ALL SOLD OUT!!!!! And it was only 10min after the doors opened!! I had been defeated!! (let's face it, this whole Black Friday madness is all about the thrill of the hunt!)...
I was SO disappointed! On the empty shelf, you could see they probably could only fit 4-5 boxes in that empty space! I was SO irriated!
Then I looked for the steam carpet cleaner & that Target didn't even carry the one I wanted... Ughhhh.....
I made my way to the toy section (which was complete madness!) to get the things on my list for Anniston. None of it was on sale-of course! I grabbed her Learning Purse, a DVD for my niece & some wrapping paper & made my way to the checkout... I had lost my mojo & it wasn't even 6:00am! At that point, there was nothing else worth fighting the crazies over. I just wanted to get back in bed & snuggle with my hubby & little lady...
I got to the express checkout line which didn't seem too long but after standing there for 30-45min I realized people from the next line over were cutting into our line halfway up! >=[
At that point I contemplated just throwing my stuff down & not buying anything at all but I could not, NOT participate in Black Friday!! I HAD to purchase something!!.. It was tradition!! And I had waited in line for this long, I needed something to show for my troubles!...
So waiting in line an hour & a half later... I FINALLY get checked out & I'm on my way back to the hotel before 7:00am... With far less shopping bags than previously planned...
As I'm pulling into the hotel, I get a phone call from my friends Stephanie & Beth who were at the Nashville Target... And they had the steam mop I wanted!!! So they got one for me... And one for each of them too!! YAY!! We had been twittering each other all morning so they knew about my steam mop devistation so they came & saved the day! LOL! :)
P.S. I found Anniston's pink activity center the other day on Amazon.com for 1/2 what the stores retail it for plus free shipping! (-thanks Brandon for the tip)... I'll definitely be doing more Amazon shopping in the future!!
And as for that Tea Set, I got it at Target the day before Thanksgiving cause it was on sale then... So now I just need to get my carpet cleaner & Christmas will be saved! ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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