After we left & were in the car, I looked at my husband, squeezed his hand real tight & told him how thankful I was for the life we have been blessed with!
Ever since then & with Thanksgiving coming up, I have thought a lot about the things in my life that I am thankful for...
1. I am so thankful that my husband, baby, and I are togethet & healthy!
2. Thank the Lord my sweet baby girl is growing & thriving every day! I love her so much & feel so blessed to get to be her mommy!
3. Not a day goes by that I don't feel so thankful to be married to such an amazing man! When I think he just can't get any sweeter, he does! I am so thankful that we found eachother... and that he puts up with my sassy attitude!

4. I am thankful to be able to be a stay-at-home mom! I don't thank my husband enough for allowing me to have this gift & providing such a secure life for me & baby!
5. Thank goodness my grueling pregnancy is OVER!! No more throwing up everyday, no more being in the hospital on bedrest, no more hospital food, needles, or bedpans and I can even see my "va-jay-jay" again! (I sure missed you gurl!

6. I am thankful to have such honest & caring friends! I feel so blessed to have longtime friends like Jana, Elicia & Crystal who have been there for me through my ups & downs over the years & who I know I can go to for anything.
I am thankful for my new growing friendships with Beth & Stephanie. Over the past couple years they have shown me what caring & thoughtful people they are.
I am also thankful to have MY Rhiannon back in my life and that we get to share our lives & babies together!
7. I am thankful to have such a wonderful family to spend the Holidays with! With my side of the family living so far away, we don't get to see eachother that much so it's nice to always have a place to go for the holidays and feel so welcome!
8. Thank God I don't have psycho in-laws! LOL! The "Weber" side of the family is actually more relaxing to be around than my loud & looney family! ;)... & I have the nicest Mother-in-law in the world! I've heard horror stories of MILs gone crazy so I really lucked out with mine!
9. I am thankful for my iPhone!!

10. I am thankful that I get to put out all my Christmas decorations this weekend & I have a roof over my head to put them in!

I know there is SO much more I could write about that I am thankful for but I'll leave it at these 10 for now!
What are you all thankful for this year!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
* I am thankful for 3 healthy kiddos, an amazing husband that works so hard so that I can spend my days laughing, playing and loving on our kids. I am thankful for kids eat free days! I am also thankful for my family and friends. We all have so much to be thankful for! Oh and I too am thankful that I can shop this year without the big belly. the end :)