I didn't expect how hard this was going to be for me!?... I always thought that around the 3 month mark was when we would start transitioning her into her own room, then 3 months came and went and I just couldn't do it... I wouldn't even humor my husband with a discussion about it... I just said I'm not ready and my sweet husband politely dropped it....
Since I'm mainly the one getting up with her at night, it's just easier for her to be within an arm's reach away... but aside from the convenience of it, I just love having my little girl so close!... I love that I can just roll over and touch her and that I can hear her breathing in the middle of the night... but most of all I love it when my husband leaves for work and moves her into the bed with me. Her & I will usually stay in bed til 9:00-10:00 and for those 2 hours we are together are some of my favorite moments of our day... just nursing & napping together... I love it that every time when she wakes me up from our early morning nap, I just look over and she is smiling at me with the biggest, tooth-less grin!... She is SO happy in the mornings! We'll lay there together in the bed for a few minutes just talking & giggling before we start our day.
But now the topic is being raised again because she is getting too big to sleep in her bassinet now... if we waited until she could no longer fit in her bassinet, then I have probably a few more weeks, but in all honesty I know it's not going to be any easier the longer we wait... I've been joking with my husband that we should just move her crib in our room! ;)
... But I guess I'm going to suck it up and be a big girl... to her crib she will go!... I'll let you all know how that works out for me & her ;)

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