For the past few days, with the temperature reaching into the 80's here in Nashville, it's really got me thinking about summertime and the things I look forward to during the warm weather...
So I've put together a list of things I've been thinking about lately and what I CAN'T WAIT FOR... :)
1. The icee & popcorn combo at Target!... Let's be honest, one of my FAVORITE things to do on a weekend afternoon (especially before I was a mommy) was to spend an hour shopping at Target with a buttery bag of popcorn & a big cherry coke icee in my shopping cart! {Mmmmmm! I think everyplace should sell Icee's}... Even now that I am a mommy, it never ceases to amaze me how theraputic a Target trip can be! It doesn't get much better than that, especially when my little treat is less than $2!... (Correction- being able to share an icee & popcorn with Sweet Baby Girl will make it even better!)

2. Hot pink nail polish!... So I am a nail polish freak/hoarder! ;) I totally think of nail polish colors as an extension of accessorizing any outfit & pick my colors pertaining to my mood... Lately, I've really been into pale grayish/purples/taupes and corals, but I can't wait for the first time I paint my nails my "summertime hot pink"... Just thinking about it makes me feel that hot, humid Nashville air on my face! :)
My hot pink picks are OPI's "Strawberry Margarita", "La Paz-itively Hot", and "Elephantastic Pink"

3. Me & Hubs trip to the beach!!... It has been WAAAYYYY TOO LONG since my feet have touched sand so I am SUPER DUPER excited about our vacation to South Carolina this summer!
One of my hubby's college roommates is getting married right outside Charleston so the in-laws are keeping baby girl and hubs & I are taking a few extra days and going to Folly Beach! WooHoo! I CAN'T WAIT!!! {I'm also extremely nervous about this one too because this will be the first time me and Baby Girl have been apart for longer than a couple hours!!! EEK! <=[ }

5. The "Weber Lake Compound" to be finished (or the "WLC" as I like to call it! LOL ;)... As long as I've know my hubby, his parents have had this teeny-tiny lake cabin on a beautiful piece of property on Kentucky lake. When we first started dating, he convinced me to go for a weekend at their family lake cabin... Well it wasn't until we were on our way that he informed me that this "cabin" didn't have any air conditioning OR television!! {WTF?!- Seriously!!} I cannot believe I made it out of there alive!!! LOL... 7 years later, I have not been back! At least once or twice a year the "Weber men" would go to the lake cabin and the ladies would stay with my MIL at their house for a weekend of shopping & pampering while the men roughed it at the lake!... But not this summer! Hubs & his brother FINALLY convinced their parents to tear down the old cabin & build a new one!... And you better believe I will be going to the new one! We can't wait to sit on the back deck at look out at the water!

What are you guys looking forward to this summer???
I am looking forward to our vacation to the Outer Banks! Summertime means poo time! Madison plays softball so were at the ballpark twice a week! I love staying up late sleeping in and fixing my kiddos homemade breakfasts! It means lots of wipes because of dripping Popsicle and ice cream! I look forward to cookouts and good quality family time!! Ahh I smell the grill! Woot Woot!