On Saturday, Anniston had her very first playdate picnic in the park!
My friend, Tonia, has 2 daughters... One who is just 2 months younger than Anniston, so we couldn't wait to get our girls together for a playdate!
The girls were both preemies, so now that they are both over 6 months old & the weather is warming up, it was time to get the together!... :)

We couldn't have asked for better weather! I think this was actually the first time I've ever had a picnic!... I LOVED IT!! And I think Sweet Baby Girl liked it a lot too!... She just sat still and enjoyed being outside and seeing all the people...
We couldn't have asked for better weather! I think this was actually the first time I've ever had a picnic!... I LOVED IT!! And I think Sweet Baby Girl liked it a lot too!... She just sat still and enjoyed being outside and seeing all the people...

Of course I had to take a picture of me & sweet baby in our coordinating playdate outfits! LOL ;)
Then on Sunday we went to church & came home & set the camera up to take a family picture... :)
My friend, Rhiannon, got Baby Girl this pretty dress... She looked just like a little princess today that we had to take a ton of pictures ;)

Later in the afternoon, we all went to Lowe's to look around because we are planning to do some upgrades on our landscaping & deck, so we walked around to get some prices... I have to honestly say, I have never had so much fun at Lowe's before! I got goosebumps looking at brand new washer & dryers and kitchen appliances you would have thought I was in Louis Vuitton or something! LOL :)
Meet my newest obsession!...

Aren't they GORGEOUS!! Who would have thunk I would be fantasizing about a washer & dryer!! My, my, how our priorities change! :)
Well, that's all for now, I need to get ready for bed & get baby girl's things ready for her 1st day of infant swim tomorrow! WooHoo! I'll be sure to blog about that later this week! :)

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