This week's topic on Beth's (
http://www.mcclintockb.blogspot.com/) Friday Fives is "5 Things on your Bucket list"... I am really excited about this topic (as I am every week! They have all been so fun!)
I created my "bucket list", which I have titled "Jayne's Life List" on my computer, right around the time I got married. My dear friend, Stephanie, told me about her life list and I never even thought about having one of my own until then but when I heard about it, it made so much sense!... I always knew in my mind a few of the things I wanted to accomplish, see & do in my lifetime but for some reason it never occurred to me to put those things down on paper until then! And once I started, I had over 30 things on my list... and I know I could add a lot more!!
I actually haven't even looked at this list in a couple years... I just opened the document to refresh my memory so it would be easier to write this post... I have to say, I LOVED reading all the things I said I wanted to do when I originally wrote it 4 years ago when I was a newlywed! (it was like reading an old diary)... And I LOVE IT EVEN MORE that looking at it now, I can cross a few of those things off!!
Since we have to limit this post to 5, you're lucky I'm not going to bore you with all 34 things on my life list right now! Ha... So here are five of the LONG list of things I want to do before I leave this earth...
1. Be debt free!- So this is pretty much a no brainer, right! I really don't count our mortgage or our car payment as debt... And I'm very happy to say that hubs & I do not have any credit card debt, but it's gonna be a
LOOOOOOOOONG road to get my student loans paid off!... Especially since about one month after I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Business Management, I found out I was pregnant & walked away from my thriving career as a bank manager to be a stay-at-home mommy
{ahhh, we're all on God's clock not our own right?!}... :)
2. Learn to change a flat tire- I've had several flat tires in my lifetime, but never have I ever changed one myself!
{I play the damsel in distress well! LOL ;) } but even though I really don't what to EVER have to change my own tire, there is a certain independence in knowing that I
could do it myself if I wanted!...
3. Catch a fish- Ok so I know this is pretty random, but I don't know why I want to accomplish this so bad?! I am NOT an outdoorsy kinda girl at all & I have only been fishing two times in my life... The last time I was with my hubby & his brother & I got really excited because I thought I caught something, but it turned out I just got my line tangled in the trolling motor!... It was a disaster! :( So I'm hoping when our family lake house is done this Spring, I'll be able to cross this one off by the end of the Summer!... and come back to the house and have a big ole' fish fry!
{YeeHaw!} ;)
4. Have my picture taken at the Eiffel Tower- So there is a BIG chunk of my life list that pertains to traveling & seeing the world, but going to Paris and having my picture taken in front of the Eiffel Tower holds a special place in my heart! I used to be obsessed (and still am a little) with all things Paris, France & Eiffel Tower! When I was single, my apartment was decorated with lots of beautiful black & white Paris, France & Eiffel Tower pictures & I even had silver Eiffel Tower lamps! But the closest I have been to seeing the Eiffel Tower is at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas...

And here I am in front of the "Eiffel Tower" in Paris, Tennessee! LOL ;) ...

But one day... I hope to get here!...

and when I do, I'll probably be one of those silly American tourists that cry at the sight of it!!
5. Be an audience member at the Oprah Show- I realize her last season is next year and I will more than likely NOT accomplish this one since the tickets are SUPER hard to get, but I felt I needed to include it anyway because you always have a better chance of accomplishing your dreams if you put them out into the universe!... So here it is... I always wanted to take a trip with my girlfriends to Chicago and see a taping of the Oprah show for my 30th birthday... I'll be 29 in August so, let's get crackin' universe! ;)

What are some of the things on ya'lls bucket list? Hop over to Beth's Blog(
http://www.mcclintock.blogspot.com/) and join her McLinky! ;)