This week's topic on Beth's (http://www.mcclintockb.blogspot.com/) Friday Fives is "Things on your to-do list"... I am a BIG list maker!... Especially To-Do lists! I love to-do lists!! I love making them & more than anything crossing things off of them!!! ;)
I do, however, have a few items on my to-do list that I cannot seem to cross off! Some of these things have literally been on here for MONTHS!... Here is just 5 of the things on my always, ever-growing to do list...
1. Finish crocheting baby blanket- I started crocheting baby girl a blanket when I was pregnant. I spend a lot of time at it when I was on bed rest... (Here I am when I first started)

Well, like 10 months & 3 gigantic balls of yard later, I'm still not done with it!!! I've never really crocheted a blanket before, but got a kit at the hobby store and watched a "how to" video on YouTube. ;) I wasn't working from a pattern or anything, I just basically went at it... Well my dimensions were a little off when I was doing the length of it so its turned into more of a queen size afghan instead of a baby blanket because now I have to make it as wide and it is long! LOL
If I just take the time to do it, I could be done in a week... but its just that there is SO LITTLE free time in baby land that it has fallen off my priority list...
2. Steam clean my carpets- I got a steam carpet cleaner this past Christmas and I haven't even taken it out of the box yet!!! (I'm partially waiting for Hubs to put it together)... I get so disgusted looking at my carpets everyday too, and since baby girl is starting to scoot around a little more this one will for sure be getting crossed off before too long! PROMISE!!
3. Send thank you notes- I embarrassingly enough still have some thank-you notes to send from baby gifts I received a couple months ago!
4. Clean out dresser & night stand drawers- I have a couple drawers that need serious organizing! I am not a fan of "junk drawers"- where its just one huge messy pile... I like things organized, so it gives me anxiety every time I open these drawers upstairs in our bedroom. One is a drawer I used to keep all my jewelry & headbands in. I got a beautiful jewelry box last year as a graduation gift and have since moved the jewelry I wear in there & what's left over is junk that really needs to be thrown away- or given away because a lot of it just isn't my style anymore!
5. Clean out bathroom cabinets- My bathroom is OVERFLOWING with make-up I haven't used in years, almost empty bottles of lotion I seem to be saving for a "special occasion", and tubes & tubes of lipstick & lip gloss that didn't work out or I have simply forgotten & moved on to something new!... The last two times my mom has come to visit I sent her home with TONS of beauty products- some even brand new!! I just need to take a few hours and organize, give away & throw away!... AND STOP BUYING MORE! ;)
5. Clean out bathroom cabinets- My bathroom is OVERFLOWING with make-up I haven't used in years, almost empty bottles of lotion I seem to be saving for a "special occasion", and tubes & tubes of lipstick & lip gloss that didn't work out or I have simply forgotten & moved on to something new!... The last two times my mom has come to visit I sent her home with TONS of beauty products- some even brand new!! I just need to take a few hours and organize, give away & throw away!... AND STOP BUYING MORE! ;)
Girl you sound like me....I looove making to do lists and Crossing them off yet sometimes I just can't get to the crossing off part LOL....
ReplyDeleteI was on bedrest with Kelcee too! Good luck on finishing the quilt....Looks really pretty
We are about to buy a steam cleaner to clean Kelcee's carpet....
I am the same way about junk drawers, I have them BUT I don't like them at all....LOL
Have a Great Weekend
Summer :0)