Happy Sunday Eve Bloggie friends!...
Well the weekend has past and my predictions from this post were correct... By golly, we hadn't even gotten out of the bed on Saturday morning and ALREADY my wonderful, sweet, loving, (and particularly LOUD) husband & baby girl were already getting on my nerves!... And honestly, I'm sure I got on they're nerves this weekend just as much ;-)
but we had a great weekend overall...
Saturday morning, Hubs went to Lowe's after breakfast to get some of the "to-do's" marked off his list (that have been there for months, I'd like to add!)... I'm happy to report, my garbage disposal is no longer leaking & the guest bathroom toilet handle flushes like a dream... :) God Bless America!
While he was out, me & baby girl had craft day...
This girl LOVES to do "artworks" *as she likes to call it ;-) ... Our newest favorite thing is to cut pretty pictures out of magazines & glue them on paper... I think I had just as much fun doing "artworks" as she did! :)
When "da-da" got home from Lowe's, she was SUPER excited to show him her masterpieces! *too sweet ;-)
Then hubs took baby girl out side to play in the rain...

As for me, I stayed in the house and watched from the front door window... I was in ratty pajamas & didn't feel like getting dressed or putting a bra on... call me lazy... =) but glad these two crazies had fun!...
They are frozen chocolate & peanut butter bananas with coconut sprinkles!!! THEY ARE HEAVENLY!! You can find the recipe here... It calls for vegan chocolate chips, but I just used regular... I also put mine on lollipop sticks to make them a bit more easy to eat. =)

I made a small chevron one in green, pink, navy & white... You can find directions on how to make it here...
I left it on the couch when I was done with it & this morning sweet baby girl snagged it and I have no clue where she put it... I'm sure it'll turn up in THE MOST random place in about 6 months, but no fear, Joann's Fabric Store had this thread on sale (buy 3 get 1 free) so I am FULLY stocked & ready to make a new one... I also plan on making several for my friends... they are friendship bracelets after all! I'm SUPER excited! :)

I did get a wild hair and decided to make these yummies I saw on Pinterest...

Then Saturday night while hubs and I were sitting on the couch cleaning out the DVR, I made a friendship bracelet!... Do you remember those...

Well they're making a comeback & I am over the moon about it!!!

Well that's all I have for now folks... I'm throwing my bestie, Jana, a party this week so I've got to get busy on that... Stay tuned for pics on that later this week!... Her & her sweet hubby are having their first baby & we're doing a gender reveal party! I can't wait!!!
Hope you have a great week! :)
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