I have been emotionally preparing her (AND MYSELF) for this day for weeks! She has been my little sidekick in all that I do her entire life so I knew this was going to be a well-needed break for both of us!
We went for Orientation on Tues & got to meet her teacher, see her classroom & meet some of her new school friends. That day went great! As soon as we walked into her classroom, she saw a play kitchen & she was glued there the entire time... she didn't want to leave! So I made sure to spend all day Wednesday & Thursday morning talking about all the fun things she was going to get to do at school and how much fun she was going to have playing "kitchen" all day! Well the BIG day finally arrived this morning...
I had made sure to have all of her things packed and ready to go the night before... I ordered her the cutest backpack & matching lunchbox from Pottery Barn Kids & found a coordinating rest mat on Etsy... I put everything by the door so it would make for a fast exit in the morning... I made her a special "heart-shaped" peanut butter & jelly sandwich for lunch... picked out her "1st day of school outfit"... I was on top of things last night!
Then this morning rolled around & of course we were running late, no matter that we had been awake since 6:30!... The shirt I picked out for her to wear wouldn't even fit over her head! The girl has never worn this shirt, and already it doesn't fit... I HATE it when that happens... :( I basically have to chase her all over the house to get her hair brushed... it was a bit of a fiasco getting us out of here, no matter how organized I was the night before...
Anyhoo, we were running late & since my camera sucks, I didn't get a good picture of my sweet baby girl in her "1st day of school glory!"... I AM DEVI STATED!!!!!!!! :(
She refused to carry all her coordinating school stuff & when I could get her to stand still long enough to snap a picture, my stupid camera was being... well STUPID!!!!! >=(
I can honestly cry just thinking about it!... I know I've complained on here before, but it makes me SO UNBELIEVABLY UPSET that I am missing all those special moments because of my crappy camera!... The entire drive to school I was reaming! I was THISCLOSE to calling my husband at work & screaming profanities into the phone, but I was trying to be as positive as I could for my big girl in the back seat on her way to school so I decided against that phone call! ;-) ... but you better believe, in my head, I was having a HUGE argument with my husband over the camera "situation"... >:(
Anyhoo, back to the story...
We get to the school parking lot and I turn to face my sweet girl & with the happiest, most cheerful voice I could use said "WE'RE HERE! WE'RE AT YOUR NEW SCHOOL! AREN'T YOU SOOOO EXCITED TO GO INSIDE & PLAY WITH ALL YOUR NEW FRIENDS & YOUR NEW TEACHER!?"
And this is the look I'm given...
But we mustered through, hauled all our gear & went inside without a tear!... When we got to her classroom, there was only one little boy there playing. Anniston went straight to the kitchen and got cooking. I gave her a big hug & kiss & told her I'd be back in a little bit. I put all her stuff in her cubby, went to the door to sign her in and within 2 minutes 4 other kids came in & they were ALL having meltdowns! I see Anniston from across the room looking at all the commotion, look for me, then start to freak out when she realizes I'm standing at the doorway. The door starts to close as I'm standing there staring at my child run towards me (yes, it's all happening in slow motion in real life too!)... she grabs the door as it's about to close & almost gets her sweet wittle fingers crushed in the door jam, but her teacher came to the rescue... I step to the side so she can't see me in the door window & stand there for the next 45min... partly because I was worried she was gonna have a breakdown & throw up & partly because I wasn't ready to let go myself! :(
I finally inch my way down the long hall & leave the building!... I run my errands, go to the grocery, go home to put the groceries away, and by that time, it was time to pick her up!... (yes it really went by that fast in real life too!)
I get back to her classroom to find out she did indeed blow chunks on the floor after I left... cried for the 1st hour until the class went outside to play then she was fine!... She even made a new boyfriend! The teacher told me they were playing together all day! And when I went to pick her up, her & her new boyfriend were still asleep next to each other on the floor! :) Precious
I'm praying things will get better everyday & she'll soon love school!... and we can BOTH enjoy our time away from each other! :)
So on a different 1st day of school note... In honor of the start of the new school year, I wanted to bring Anniston's teacher a little gift...
A $0.49 glass from the Goodwill, a glue gun, and a new box of crayons later...
Viola!... A Crayola flower vase :)
I probably should have wrote on the card, "There's a 95% chance my daughter is gonna throw up on you today, so here's some flowers to say I'm sorry about your shirt!" LOL :)
And just because she is So darn cute...
It's finally not 150 degrees in Nashville, so we took her Balance Bike out for a test drive the other day...
P.S. Sorry there was no "What I'm Obsessed with" post yesterday! It's been a little busy, but I'll start working on next week's!... I'll have my top picks for fall! :) YAY!
Aww Bless her little heart! And the flower crayon vase is adorable! I may just have to try that!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely stealing the crayon flower vase idea!