Aside from Anniston starting her 1st day of Mother's Day Out on Thursday... On Friday, I started a new MOPS year so Anniston had MOPPETS that morning from 9-12 and my husband and I have been visiting a new church the last few Sundays we've been in town, so our sweet baby girl has been trying to adjust to a new church nursery as well!... It's been an emotional week for us to say the least!! On top of ALL that, my sweet girl has not been sleeping or napping well either, so there have been MANY tears & tantrums to deal with!...
Going through all that the last few days (and being on the brink of crying myself on several of those days), had me thinking about how hard it is for me to see my baby girl cry! :-(
I'm sure any mom out there will agree with me when I say that having to turn your back & walk away from your crying child is one of THE HARDEST & GUT WRENCHING things you could ever do!... No matter, if you know you are leaving them in good hands or if what you are doing is best, it still doesn't make those steps walking away any easier! You still feel like a horrible mom! (Even just typing these words about leaving my crying child has tears welling up in my eyes!)
Do any of you other mommies out there in bloggie land know what I mean?!
At church this morning when we were listening to the worship team sing, I was reflecting on this past weeks tears... Tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of happiness, tears of change, and tears of reflecting on how time really does go by too fast!... Especially when you're a parent!
When my daughter cries tears of sadness, my heart cries! When she's crying because her mommy is leaving, it takes every ounce of strength in my body not to turn around and scoop her back into my arms & tell her I'm never going to leave you again my darling... When she cries for her daddy who has to leave for work or for whatever reason can't play with her, my heart cries for the sheer amount of love & adoration she has for him! My heart also cries, because I can't help but wonder if I ever cried out for "my daddy" like Anniston does for hers... then my heart cries because I know the answer is probably "no"...
For whatever reason my child cries, as a mommy, I want to make it stop!... For all that we've had going on this week & how busy our schedules have been, I have come to truly appreciate the time I get to spend with my daughter. I take for granted sometimes the moments we get to just play together, because I'm realizing they are getting too far & few between! My sweet baby girl is growing up so fast! She is becoming more independent... So when she cries for me or for something I am able to give her I have to keep reminding myself to not always say "NO"... When she wants to play "tea party" and I have a "to-do" list a mile long, I have to remember our tea party days are numbered... When she cries for a lollipop at 10:30am, I need to turn off that switch in my brain that automatically says no! I need to tell myself, "she's only 2! Let the girl enjoy sugar as long as she can before she has to start stressing about it going straight to her thighs! ;-) ... I'm going to hold her a little longer... I'm going to kiss & hug her a little more each day (because before too long, she won't fit so snugly in my lap)... I'm going to read her ANOTHER book, even if it's one we've read over and over again... (I'm also going to stop hiding those books I'm sick of reading because they are either too long or we've read them SO much I have it memorized, because those really are the ones that bring her the most joy!... and I shouldn't deny my child of that joy!)... I'm going to dance & sing silly songs with her until we are both crying tears of laughter... I am going to TRULY ENJOY & CHERISH being a mother to my sweet baby girl for as long as I can, because she is becoming a BIG GIRL entirely too fast!...
I found these wise words on Pinterst & wanted to share... all of them SO TRUE!...

I don't know about you, but I need to have some of these reminders where I can read them daily so I can keep "mothering" and stop letting "life" get in the way...
Enjoy the new week bloggie friends! My goals for this week is to take a breath, build a fort & play tea party with my sweet baby girl!... And if by the grace of God I get the bathrooms cleaned too, I will feel like Super Mom! :)
I completely understand! Seeing your baby cry is the worst! I know you should set limits..but its so dang hard because they are so dang cute! Have fun being with your little lady and cheers to a great week!