I had another enjoyable Saturday! Hubs let me off baby duty for the afternoon to go shopping! Yay!... I needed to go out to get some last minute Valentine's Day gifts for him & baby girl, but ended up finding more than I set out for!... {Don't worry, the things I bought we "somewhat needed"... I just didn't expect to find them today}
In the area we live, we don't have a huge mall real close (it's only about 30 minutes away) but we have a few stores up the road that suit me just fine when I want to get away and do some shopping... I went to JCPenny first to try to find these dress shirts my husband really likes, but of course they didn't have his size... but I went a few doors down to Ross & TJ Maxx and found a shirt & tie I liked so I got that for him...
Hopefully he will like what I picked out! He usually always likes the ties I give him but he is pretty particular about his shirts so we'll see...
Then whenever I'm at TJ Maxx, I just have to go over to the Home Goods section!... and that's where the unexpected purchases come in (as they normally do!)
Since we have a little one now, my goal is to do special things for all the major holidays & decorate the house accordingly. Up until recently, I would just decorate for Thanksgiving & Christmas, but this year I got some Valentine's stuff and today I found a few Easter things!
I found this Easter egg wreath!... and I got the matching garland and a couple boxes of coordinating vase fillers :) All for around $50!

We put crumbled goat cheese on top of the steaks & it was DEE-LICOUS!! :)

After church we may run to the mall & later we are getting the rest of sweet baby girl's 6 month portraits done... Then I need to spend the rest of the day cleaning house & finishing the laundry because my mom is coming in town Monday to stay for a week!
I'm just hoping hubs comes through on the dark chocolate, raspberry candy I've been dropping hints for for the past week or two!... I'm still working on convincing him that we need to leave for church early so we can stop by a donut place to get some of these festive heart-shaped treats I saw a commercial for... :)

Anyhoo, I need to go upstairs and fold laundry & try to find something to fit into tomorrow!
Your family sounds just like mine! We LOVE BLT's! And, hubby and I love each other more than anything in this world, but we just don't make a huge huge deal over Valentine's day other than spending quality time together. The crowds at restaurants are always so big. This post makes me want to run to Homegoods asap. Enjoy your day!!