Today was a good day!... Nothing terribly exciting happened, but just another enjoyable Saturday... I love Saturdays like these...
Got up and made breakfast for me, hubs & baby... and after breakfast sweet baby girl played in her activity center for a while & let me & hubs sit at the kitchen table and drink our coffee & talk.
After breakfast, hubs let me have the afternoon to take some "me" time! I have the sweetest husband {yes, I'm being bias!} but I am so blessed in the hubby department!... So of course for my "me" time, I went SHOPPING!!
I needed to get some new jeans because I am in that horrible stage where I can't wear my maternity clothes anymore but still can't quite fit into my pre-baby clothes... I bought some jeans a few months back when my maternity jeans were too baggy on me and I've now gotten to the point where those are too big to wear now too {I'm not complaining, I just hate spending money on clothes I'll only be able to wear a couple months-HOPEFULLY! I'm only one size away from pre-baby... SO CLOSE!!!}
So I went to Old Navy and they were having a GREAT sale!!!! I got the "skinny" jeans I went in for (they weren't on sale) but I found a pair of "boyfriend" jeans for $10!! I actually had a different pair in my hands at full price & headed back to the baby dept to look around when I saw all their clearance items that were an additional 50% off the lowest price!! I found a pair that looked almost identical on clearance!!... I LOVE FINDS LIKE THOSE! I just couldn't pass them up... and hubs totally understood when I got home- thankfully! :)
Then in the baby dept, I found some cute things for sweet baby girl!.. Look at these cute pieces that were on clearance!! The top and skirt ended up only being $2 each!!! You can't beat that! She really needed more church clothes too!...
The Valentine's tee was on sale for $7... I thought it would be cute with a cream cardigan over it... The navy skirt has polka dot bloomers too!... so cute, I want one in my size! ;)

And I'm a sucker for cute jammies!... These were on sale for $8...
I came home after Old Navy cause I had to nurse baby & made the best BLT's for lunch for me & hubs... We have been on a huge BLT kick lately (probably because bacon has been buy one get one free at Publix for the last few weeks!)
Anyhoo, a great tip for cooking bacon- bake it in the oven!!! Its the only way I'll do it from now on cause I hate frying it in a skillet!
Just preheat oven to 400, put bacon on a foil-lined baking sheet for easy cleaning (I like to sprinkle a little brown sugar on top!...Mmmm nothing like candy-coated bacon!), and bake for about 15-25 minutes to desired crispness. Once you take it out of the oven, transfer bacon on a separate plate so it can get crispier :)
Then I went to my favorite place, Whole Foods! ;) I stocked up on a bunch of fruits & veggies to make baby food this week... went to the mall for a little bit, then came home and made dinner...
Plus, I only had to change 1 diaper the whole day!!... It was a nice day! ;)

I had a SHOPPING Day too and I LOVED coming home to fine a sweet little Valentine from the sweetest baby girl I know!!! Thanks for the Bacon tip because I HATE Frying it!!!!